
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guess Who Started 3rd Grade?

Well, the answer is not Jake. Skippy pants Gage was off to school today, bright-eyed and bushy tailed...or bushy haired. Adorable! After feasting on a nutritious breakfast of apple pancakes (compliments of Chef Jake), Gage was set and ready to go with his over-sized camo backpack, red Angry Birds folder, and cold lunch in his superhero lunch box complete with a Hostess cupcake in it. Top that off with a sweet new Tony Hawk shirt and Nikes and you've got yourself a mini stud ready to conquer the 3rd grade. Look out ladies!...and look out Miss Allen, he's a chatterbox. Ooh, school days. Sigh. So happy another school year is upon us!

1 comment:

  1. I miss the first day of school! New clothes, new school supplies, new classes and teachers! However, I don't miss the new homework!
