
Thursday, June 7, 2012


(Let's go for two posts in one day!)
Jake bought me a pair of black glittery TOMS. Before becoming a Toms owner, I thought they were one of the most hideous fashion trends and would refer to them as orphan shoes...actually, I still do. They straight up look up like something for a poverty-stricken Asian child or a polygamist. Granola! Even when Jake gave them to me he could tell by the look on my face that I wasn't leaping for joy. But, they were comfy and I didn't want to hurt Jake's feeling after he had been so thoughtful, and they are "trendy," so my feet and I made the decision to keep my orphan shoes knowing I'd risk looking homeless when I wore them. My only comfort was knowing they wouldn't look as horrible as Crocs. Gag! But now after wearing my Toms a few times? I LOVE THEM!! I proudly announce I have changed my ways and will now accept Toms as superior shoes...or at least only my black glitter ones. It's like wearing slippers all day. They are so darn comfy! And the best part is they don't even even become a sweaty shoe during the day like most slip-on shoes can be. I don't know how they do's a mystery. I refuse to think I look granola in these babies. They are snazzy! Blingin' orphan I just need one of those pointy rice paddy hats.


  1. I wanted to barf over toms too... until I wore them. and I fell in love. now I want to wear them everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

    p.s. lets have another girls night soon so we can talk about harry potter. ummm... maybe make some butter beer. haha. BTW - that lobster bisque is like 2,900 calories a bowl. NO WAY. would have been better off with the onion rings. :)

  2. I've been dying to buy Peyton a pair of tiny toms. I'm holding out till October when it starts to cool down. We are living in sandals for the rest of the summer.
