
Monday, February 13, 2012

Mustache Mania

Valentine's Day has been flagged on my awesome Looney Tunes desk pad calendar for weeks now, and not just because the printing company put it on there automatically or that I'm excited to see what mushy stuff Jake gets me, but my excitement was because I'd plotted taking over Gage's Valentines for his second grade class this year!...which I did. Yes, apparently I'm that kind of mother. No more wimpy paper Valentines with Sponge Bob or Madagascar characters on them saying things like, "I'm wild about you Valentine!" Let's face it, no kid is really that excited giving a public statement of love to the smelly kid in class you can't stand who you know picks his nose. How embarrassing it would be if Picking Peter actually thought you had a crush on him afterwards! Or was that just me who feared that every year?

Anyway, on my beloved Pinterest weeks ago, I came across a terrific idea...a print out of a child's face with big chocolate candy lips wrapped in red foil stuck on their mouth making them look like they had a big kissy face. It made me chuckle and made me think how awesome it would be to do that for Gage's Valentines...only, kissy lips might be too girly and not his style, so why not a chocolate mustache instead?! Brilliant! I was on the hunt to make my project happen, and after not having any luck finding candy mustaches sold nearby, I decided to order the candy molds online and whip some up myself. And...they...turned...out...perfect! Here is the final product, planned to be given out tomorrow to 28 children who are sure to deem me as the coolest treat-maker-mom!...nevermind the fact that technically home-made treats aren't allowed. Shh. 

Oh, and in case you're wondering if I let Gage do any of it...yes, he did. He got to personalize each Valentine on the back of each card in his best chicken-scratch handwriting and also decided to add heart foil stickers on the front of each. He loves them and can't wait to take them to class to make the kids giggle! Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for a Certificate of Admiration from the teacher...maybe the school...and perhaps should make plans to set up my own chocolate mustache shop now. Take that Tootsie Pops!

1 comment:

  1. Move over Martha Stewart.... Jenny Jones is in the house and whippin' up chocolate delights! Lol.
