I’m trying to get caught up here on my updates…last week was
a busy week! Besides finding out the gender of our little pea in the pod, Jake
graduated from nursing school last Tuesday from Utah Valley University! I am SO
proud of my hubster. This school stuff has been a work in progress for years
now, and for him to finally graduate with all the bumps in the road along the
way is a big accomplishment.

Jake had earned his Associate’s Degree back in 2006 and
unfortunately had to put advancing further in school on hold for awhile. Being
a single, full-time working dad at the time didn’t leave much extra time or
money for school, until lil’ ol’ me came along in 2008 to spot him tuition fees
and encourage him to go back. Jake had planned to originally go into a medical
engineering field (whatever the heck that is) but then decided nursing school
would suit him best. He had to take a couple of years of hard prerequisites in
order to apply for nursing school and was finally accepted into the program in
2011 among 40 other students out of more than 200 applicants. Just being
accepted into nursing school was an accomplishment itself!
The nursing grads reciting the Nightingale Pledge |
The nursing program has been a 2-year program with the
option to continue an additional year for a bachelor’s completion. Jake has now
graduated with his ASN, giving him the earned title of an RN…or at least once
he takes the big NCLEX test at the end of the month to be licensed in the state
of Utah. For the nursing graduation ceremony, the nursing graduates have a
special pinning ceremony separate from the normal commencement program that the
University holds on a different day where the typical cap and gown stuff goes
on. For the pinning ceremony, the graduates are presented with a special
nursing pin that is given to them by another nursing mentor whom the graduate
has asked to participate. It is a special occasion for both the graduate and
the pinning presenter.
Picture of the nursing pin the grads receive |
The ceremony took place in the Grande Ballroom at UVU for
the 36 graduates and their families. (Notice 36 grads instead of the 40 that
started out…lost a few along the way!) The beginning of the program started out
with the lights turned off and all the graduates walking in holding a lit oil
lamp called the Nightingale lamp, named after Florence Nightingale, the founder
of nursing care. The lamp is a symbol of the care and devotion the nurses
administer to the sick and injured in the practice of nursing. Later, the
graduates then recited the Nightingale Pledge vowing to practice their calling morally
and devote themselves to the caring of others. Nursing instructors then spoke
to the graduates as well as the Dean of nursing and two of the graduates from
the class. Funny student awards were given out and then it was time for the
pinning presentation where the graduates would walk up one at a time to be
presented. For Jake’s pinning, he chose the Dean to present his who gave him a
big hug on stage. I might have gotten a little emotional throughout the
graduation. When it all wrapped up,
there was punch and cookies afterwards, which I would’ve eaten ten of but we
had plans to eat at PF Changs. Mmm!
Yay! He did it! |
One other thing to add about Jake’s graduation is that he
designed their programs for the ceremony this year. All of the guests received
a simple folded program outlining the speakers and order of events while the
graduates each received a program booklet listing the same events along with a
photo of the graduate and a short biography. I think it turned out great and
will be a neat keepsake for all the graduates. Since I thought Jake’s biography
he submitted was a winner, I’ll share it below:
As the youngest and most adorable of three brothers, I grew up in
Keizer, Oregon and moved to Utah in search of greener pastures (or snow)
shortly after high school. When I’m not slaving away doing homework or wiping
butts at Intermountain Medical Center, I enjoy manly things such as watching
sports, playing sports, dreaming of sports, and eating tacos. When I’m not
doing that, I enjoy spending time with my wife Jenny and son Gage, and look
forward to meeting our new little one due in September. I’ve always wanted a
career in the medical field because I really enjoy helping people and being
able to make a difference in people’s lives…plus, my wife thinks I look hot in
scrubs. My plan at this point is to continue working on the Medical/Oncology floor
at IMC. Tomorrow, I’ll probably see if my boss is ok with that. Eventually, I’d
like to get into the ED where I’m certain to bring home some good stories
(without patient identifiers, of course). UVU’s nursing program has definitely
been challenging and rewarding, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know my peers. To
them I say, may your wildest dreams come true…and stay cool, have a great
summer. To my instructors, thank you and remember there were a few that didn’t
make it this far, so at least I wasn’t that bad.
Happy Graduation, hunny! Way to go Class of