I did it!!! I finally created my very first photo book! I joined Shutterfly some time ago but have never sat down to complete a book yet. Who has time for that?! Just the old-fashioned scrapbooking used to take me hoooours to complete a page or two due to my extreme pickiness (or profesh artistry, which I prefer). But, thanks to a coupon that came my way a few weeks ago, I was motivated to sit my booty down to test out my computer craftiness. Alas, a masterpiece was born. And who is the masterpiece for? Well, sure there's a billion pics of Jake and I that I would love to compile in a mushy love book entitled "Meant to Be Forever and Ever" with swans and hearts decorated on it, but that will have to be another day. THIS book is for Gage. He has a birthday coming up and we all know Christmas is on it's way, so I knew it would be a great gift for either occasion...I'm thinking perhaps birthday, otherwise heaven forbid he get Star Wars Legos for Christmas AND this book because we all know what would get tossed to the side. My hours upon hours of hard work (and don't forget those Coke shots at 2 am) would get passed up for a one-inch plastic Chewbacca. Galactic tragedy, I do forsee. (Read in Yoda voice.)
So now, let's take a looksy inside my spunky and funky photo book, entitled The Adventures of Gage Jones. Hooray!! And for the full effect, be sure to click on "full screen" for maximum awesomeness.
Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.com.