
Thursday, August 23, 2012


It came...I saw...they conquered!! I went to my 12th 311 concert last night. Glorious!! They played at Usana Amphitheater with special guest Soja and Slightly Stoopid as the openers (meh, I never really care to go early for opening bands though the last few songs I caught from Slightly Stoopid did sound legit). This was 311's tenth year playing at Usana, and interesting to note, they are the only band that has played at Usana ten years in a row! And yes, you can bet your bottom I've been there for every one. #Loyalty. Oh, wait...hashtags don't apply to blogs. Anywhoo, it's crazy how long 311 has been around and have been able to tour every year thanks to their dedicated fans. And luckily, doesn't sound like that's stopping any time soon! Nevermind the fact that the band members are over 40.

This year the weather was perfect and made for such an enjoyable evening. Previous concert weather in Utah has ranged from dying of heat in a tank top to bundled up in a sweatshirt and beanie. Ridiculous. So, thank you nice August weather! The only thing that could have made my night better was having Jake with me. Sad but true...he was unable to attend, but instead of making preparations for divorce, I gave my brother a jingle knowing he'd have an extra ticket. Sure enough, I got the golden ticket and we siblings attended together. Aww, presh. The new addition to my concert-attendance this year was my good ole pal, iPhone. My pics didn't turn out the best, even though we were on the fifth row behind the pit gang, but the three videos I recorded turned out awesome!...I think, at least. Oh, and they do get a little shaky here and there because you can't expect me to just stand still for 3 minutes during a 311 concert!

Let's take a looksy at some of the concert, shall we?...

Tim (guitar), Nick (vocals/guitar), SA (vocals), Chad (drums), Pnut (Bass)
VIDEO #1:  My Stoney Baby
One of the evening's gems! Music album 93'...
"The songs I sing they don’t mean a thing
If you’re not there to hear it but then 
Soon is the time, you’ll be by my side"
(Compliments of a Twitter friend)
VIDEO #2:  All Remixed Up 
One of my all-time fave 311 songs with a twist...
"Now it's morning but last night's on my mind
There's something I need to get off my chest
And no matter what may come to shine
The dream will always be mine"
(Compliments of a Twitter friend)
Video #3:  Random
Another gem of the evening, going back to their blue album from 95'!
"Sound boy gonna rock you" 
Other faves that they played that I would've loved to record were Time Bomb, And A Ways To Go, Coda, Champagne, Homebrew, You Wouldn't Believe. They have so many good songs! It's hard to ever be disappointed with their setlists...they have dozens of songs to choose from and such a wide-ranging sound. It's been great to see their evolution from album to album, and I'm looking forward to many more! Love my band!!! Thanks for the years of great music and positivity.     
Until next year...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guess Who Started 3rd Grade?

Well, the answer is not Jake. Skippy pants Gage was off to school today, bright-eyed and bushy tailed...or bushy haired. Adorable! After feasting on a nutritious breakfast of apple pancakes (compliments of Chef Jake), Gage was set and ready to go with his over-sized camo backpack, red Angry Birds folder, and cold lunch in his superhero lunch box complete with a Hostess cupcake in it. Top that off with a sweet new Tony Hawk shirt and Nikes and you've got yourself a mini stud ready to conquer the 3rd grade. Look out ladies!...and look out Miss Allen, he's a chatterbox. Ooh, school days. Sigh. So happy another school year is upon us!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


My new love that I've been geeking over is none other than J.K. Rowling's new interactive website for Harry Potter crazed fans, Pottermore. It became public in April this year, and I immediately signed up...mostly out of curiosity. Now, let me just add that I'm not the die-hard fan that's read every Harry Potter book and know every character inside and out and can recite spells to you from charms class. No, I've only made it to book two, but the movies were incredible and have hooked me since first coming out in 2001. Fantasy and horror stories have been my favorite since I could first was all about Grimm's Fairytales and Goosebumps. So for me, Harry Potter is the best of both worlds. But this site might change my appearance of being a "healthy" dose of a fan...

Pottermore takes you through each book in the Harry Potter series, chapter by chapter. The full chapters are not posted; rather, it's a way for J.K. Rowling to elaborate on characters or scenes that may appear in that particular chapter, giving the reader an inside scoop into her world and her thoughts behind her writing. For example, why did she choose Privet Drive as the name of choice for the street where Harry lives? What is Dumbledore's background story? Was Professor McGonagall ever married? What does it mean if you have unicorn hair in your wand? How many different names were considered for Hermione's character? These are all questions that Rowling has brilliantly answered and leave me hungry for more useless info! She has such a creative, impressive and (most-notably) a detailed imagination. What a great author. 

Perhaps my most favorite tidbit of Pottermore is that you get to collect things along your journey such as chocolate frog cards, Hogwarts books, ingredients for potions, and a Harry Potter fave--different flavors of Bertie Bott's Beans. These objects are hidden in each chapter's scene, making it fun to look for them. And what Hogwarts adventure would be complete without an actual sorting hat ceremony! Yes, you'll get to be sorted into your own Hogwarts house and will get to earn house points towards the House Cup. I'm proud to say I was sorted into Hufflepuff (though, ok, I admit I was devastated it wasn't Gryffindor...but, Hufflepuff does include Cedric Diggory (aka Edward Cullen, R-Patz) so, hello Puffs!). THIS is where the true fun is because the website suddenly has a purpose. You're not just a member, you actually have a "team" that you're on where you're all working for the same cause of beating out the other Houses. House points can be earned by collecting objects, winning wizards' duel challenges, and brewing potions.! Have I convinced you yet to get on the Pottermore train?! (Or broom.) You know you just got excited. Brewing potions? Yes! And it's not that easy, either...I think I've blown up 3 cauldrons. And, of course, every wizard needs a wand to brew potions! Well, fear not my young Muggles...Pottermore will also present you with your very own wand during your stop to Diagon Alley, compliments of to Mr. Ollivander. Magical! Oh, and I got to pick a cat instead of an owl.

So, what have we learned? That Pottermore is Potterific and you shall not judge my geekiness over it because you secretly want to join too, just like 3.6 million people already have. Obviously that means something must be spectacular about it! Oh, and disclaimer...the site currently only goes up to Chapter 4, Book 2 (The Chamber of Secrets,) and word around Hogwarts is that Chapter 5 and whatever else will be available come September. Now ask me if I've been on the edge of my seat with anticipation....
 I am a ferocious badger...word.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Updates

Before I write a new post about my current nerd obsession for the past of couple weeks (squeal!!), I figured it would be nice to update the blog world on our family's current happenings...

First, Jake landed a job at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray in their oncology department. Hubby pants has been slaving away for the past month emptying bed pans, checking vitals, being on patient suicide watch, and bringing me back all kinds of juicy gossip and horrifying stories that make me gag...and him, literally. Heavens, I thought the "butt-cheek spreader story" was bad, but he now has a new one that takes the cake. Hint: it involves diarrhea. Nuff' said. Luckily, we're hopeful Jake won't be stuck with this crap job forever...this was just getting his foot in the door at a hospital so come graduation time, he already has an employer lined up. Fingers crossed he one day gets his ER job he dreams about! And P.S...he is scrumptious in scrubs.
(Sneak attack pic last year in his UVU student scrubs. He wouldn't let me take a new one in his black scrubs with his awesome mohawk hair...or at least one without a pouty face.)
In July, Gage finished up his 4th season of baseball. This year was machine pitch, allowing the boys to play all their games on an actual baseball diamond for the first time instead of some grassy park with painted lines. The other new addition this year was being assigned an actual MLB team name instead of the kids making up one (like Gage voting for "Spongebob" the year he had a yellow T-shirt). This year's team was the Twins. The kids are still trying to grasp the concept of outfielding, so a ball being caught or thrown quickly to first is a rarity. This allows for many runs and many batters, which the kids love. Oh, and they don't keep score yet...even though a boy on Gage's team was boosting team confidence by over-excitingly telling everyone "they were winning and had about a hundred runs." Gage did great throughout the season and ended up with 2 home runs!
As for a home update, we have a walking trail by our house that we've been utilizing lately...with bicycles. I've been reunited with my old maroon bike, that I probably last rode when I was in middle school, while Jake has been using a shiny green bike that was meant for mom years ago but was never used. The tags were still on it! We snatched the bikes from the parental's home, and I couldn't wait to go on rides. Well, I was extremely naive to think I was the bike champion I was back in the days and also didn't take into consideration that the size of my rump has obviously changed considerably from that of almost 13 years ago. I was wobbly and all over the place, and I was certain that I ended up with bruises on my rear end from it practically eating the tiny 4-inch wide seat. Oh, and let's add on that my calves were dying...when we made it past the neighbor's house. Haha. Needless to say, it's been a bit of a rocky start and has been more of a serious work out than a leisurely ride like I had imagined. Let's hope I eventually make it back up to par where I can jump off sweet curbs and carry a 7-Eleven Slurpee in one hand. The glory days!

(Sorry, no pic of my rump on a bike for this one. Thank me later.)

For a fun outing a couple weeks ago, we invited my mom to go with us to Deer Valley to watch the Utah Symphony perform Disney songs. How awesome! Park City is one of my favorite spots, and we haven't been able to go there much this summer. That made this outing a bit more fun. We first stopped at El Chubasco (a local PC, must-see Mexi restaurant that is quite the rave...oh, and Gage lost his loose tooth there because I accidentally knocked it out, so he was not happy and cried) for dinner before heading off to the amphitheater. Once there, we spread out our blankets and got to enjoy classics from Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Jungle Book, Lion King, Beauty & The Beast, Mary Poppins, and a sweet suite (ha!) from Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't know why Orlando Bloom couldn't make a guest appearance. Sigh. Besides that I was freezing by the end of the performance, it was very enjoyable, and the best part was seeing little girls dressed up as Disney princesses and Tinkerbell and lovey couples wearing Disneyland hoodies and mouse ears. Sure makes me want to go to Disneyland, pronto. M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-EEEE! (Donald Duck)

Here's a heads up on some upcoming adventures: 311 concert next week (I think it'll be my 12th), Gage starting 3rd grade (are you kidding me?!), Jake starting his 2nd year of nursing school (kill me now with bills), a fam trip planned for Lake Powell over Labor Day (praise the Lord for a break), and me going crazy over Halloween stuff and craft projects to do...the wreath I'm working on is fab!